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3 Workouts To Increase Your Speed

Everyone wants to be faster and more explosive, am I right? That's why you clicked on this article. Down below are three great workouts you should be adding to your regimen. There are tons of exercises you can do to increase your speed,but here are some of the most beneficial to you.

1.) Hill Sprints

Yes it is old school and yes it works very well.. Be sure to push yourself. And when your legs are wobbly that's when you know it's time to go home.

2.)One leg hyper extension with weight

So what you are going to do here is grab a weight around 10 pounds and you are going to do hyper extensions with one leg. At the top of the motion you are going to drop the weight and then quickly go down and catch the weight at the bottom then come back up and repeat the movement. When it starts to burn that is when you can switch legs.

3.)Shoulder raise on incline bench(*Hold for one second*)

A lot of people don't know in order for your legs to move faster you have to be able to move your shoulders faster as well.

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